Tabs have a rounder and more defined appearance and adjust to
(Note that I’ve done nothing, explicitly, to support this feature on Daring Fireball.)Īpple, in the “What’s New in Safari” alert that’s shown upon first run after upgrading to Safari 15, describes the new tabs thus: Here’s what it looks like as you switch back and forth between tabs with this option on. But the “Show color in tab bar” option is on by default: The “Compact” layout that puts tabs and the location field in the same row - by using the tabs themselves as the text editing fields for URLs - is, thankfully, off by default. The most controversial Mac Safari changes shown at WWDC - compressing tabs and the URL location field into a single row at the top of each window, and coloring the entire window with the accent color of the currently frontmost web page - are settings that (thankfully) can be turned off in Safari’s Preferences window (under “Tabs”, natch).
Safari 15 on iPad suffers similarly, but it’s the Mac version I’ll concentrate on here. Our long national iOS 15 Safari nightmare ended last month, praise be, but the lesser of the two bad Safari designs unveiled at WWDC persists and actually shipped: the new tabs in Safari 15 for Mac. The Tragedy of Safari 15 for Mac’s ‘Tabs’ Friday, 1 October 2021